刘 涛,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,九三学社成员。2020年博士毕业于四川大学凝聚态物理专业;2022年获无需充值注册就送68中青年学术骨干称号。主要教授《大学物理》、《物理与微积分》、《普通物理》和《概率论与数理统计》等课程。主要从事凝聚态物理和新材料领域的理论与计算模拟的科学研究,研究方向主要在新能源材料(先进核燃料)、新型功能与智能材料以及量子材料等多尺度/跨尺度的设计与模拟方面。
现主持国家自然科学基金项目1项(No. 12264007)和引进人才科研项目1项,主持并完成贵州省联合基金项目1项,贵阳市科技局市-院科技专项2项,校级课题1项。近年来在RSC Advances,J. Mater. Chem. A,Chinese Journal of Physics,Computational Materials Science等国内外学术期刊发表20余篇论文,其中SCI期刊发表10余篇,中文核心10余篇。
[1] Tao Liu, Shichang Li, Tao Gao, Bingyun Ao, Theoretical prediction of some layered Pa2O5 phases: structure and properties. RSC Advances,2019, 9, 31398-31405.
[2] Tao Liu, Shichang Li, Tao Gao, Bingyun Ao, Density functional investigation of fluorite-based Pa2O5 phases: Structure and properties. Chinese Journal of Physics,2020, 64, 115-122.
[3] Tao Liu, Shichang Li, Tao Gao, Bingyun Ao, Structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of protactinium oxides from density functional theory. 2019, Indian Journal of Physics,1-8.
[4] Shichang Li, Xiaoqiu Ye, Tao Liu, Tao Gao, Shenggui Ma, Bingyun Ao, New insight into the structure of PuGaO3 from ab initio particle-swarm optimization methodology. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018, 6, 22798.
[5] Tao Liu and Yuqing Chen, A molecular dynamics study of the swelling patterns of Na/Cs-montmorillonites and the hydration of interlayer cations,Chin. Phys. B,2013, 22, 027103.
[6] Tao Liu, Tuo Cai, Tao Gao, Gan Li, The electronic and structural properties of δ-Pu and PuO from the LSDA(GGA) + U method, Physics B, 2010, 405, 3717-3721.
[7] Juanjuan Ai, Tao Liu, Tao Gao, Bingyun Ao, First-principles study of electronic structure and metal-insulator transition of plutonium dihydride and trihydride, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 51, 127-134.
[8] Tao Liu, Xiaofeng Tian, Yu Zhao and Tao Gao, Swelling of K+, Na+ and Ca2+-montmorillonites and hydration of interlayer cations: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Chin. Phys. B, 2010, 19, (10), 109101.
[9] 刘 涛,陈雨青;浅析ISEC教育理念与教学思想方法;无需充值注册就送68学报(自然科学版),2016年04期。